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Joy Of The Soul

On the face the joy of the soul,
Of the one who were willing to serve.
The strength, the faith, the smile,
Her way to be and feel.
New hope she makes reborn
So good it is to say her name.
Sister Benigna I call,
And I’m sure you are listening.
If it´s for the glory of God say amen.
Sister Benigna for me intercede.
Rain of blessings and graces fall from the sky continuously
caem do céu sem cessar
God granted then, the pleas
Of the one who knew to love
To her devotees she comes to aid
So good her name it is to say
Sister Benigna I call,
And sure you hear me.
If it’s for the glory of God say amen.
Sister Benigna, for me intercede.
Step on your footprints,
Your example I want to follow,
It is strength on the walk
Certainty I will not fall.
From the bottom of my heart I thank
So good your name it is to say.
Sister Benigna I call,
And sure you hears me.
If it’s for the glory of God say amen.
Sister Benigna, for me intercede.
Composition of Ana Beatriz Lucas dos Santos (music and lyrics), "Joy of Soul" depicts one of the most striking features of the Servant of God, her sweet and sincere smile and the joy she kept at all times of her life.
When going somewhere and noticing sadness in the hearts of people, Sister Benigna used to ask for a guitar and begin singing. Only after feeling that people were open to receive her words, she would start praying.