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Sister Benigna

Sister Benigna, pray for us.
Servant of God, our hope.
Sister Benigna, life of cure.
Serviu a Deus em cada irmão.
Sister Benigna, Hail Holy Queen!
Sister Benigna, truth and love.
Hail Holy Queen, Mother of God, mercy and life.
Hail our hope, Hail, Sister Benigna.
Pray, O Holy mother of God, pray for your sons.
IRMÃ BENIGNA is a song especially composed for the Association of Friends of Sister Benigna (Associação dos Amigos de Irmã Benigna) – AMAIBEN, inspired in songs from the colonial period of Minas Gerais, particularly in the songs of the composer JOSÉ JOAQUIM EMERICO LOBO DE MESQUITA. The piece THEME SONG of AMAIBEN, composed by ANA BEATRIZ LUCAS DOS SANTOS appears twice in this song.
The song IRMÃ BENIGNA was composed in six parts:
ANDANTINO: Theme song of AMAIBEN: French Horn solo (CORNO)
ALLEGRO: Flute, horn, strings.
ANDANTINO: Voice Trio: contralto and tenor
ANDANTINO: Theme song of AMAIBEN: flute solo
ALLEGRO: Flute, strings and French horn.
ANDANTE: Continuous French horn solo and contralto solo.
Maria Teresa Barbosa: voice of first contralto solo and second contralto.
Alexandre Lsboa: French horn
Elmo Sepúlveda: composition, ensembles, NEW VOICE GUO flute, tenor voice.
Rafael Marcenes: first violin
Andre Taciano: second violin
Marcos Reis: viola
Geter Fernandes: cello
ESTUDIO 10, located in Belo Horizonte, on June 24 2012.
Mixing: Leonardo Barcellos
Ana Beatriz Lucas dos Santos, from Belo Horizonte, is a pedagogue, post graduated in Children’s Education.
Her non academic musical qualification started when she was a teenager. Self-taught, she began to show her passion for music through the guitar. She used to play at children’s religious parties, cheering the Confirmation Course in her parish. She got to know the devotion to the Servant of God, Sister Benigna through Maria do Carmo Mariano and obtained inspiration for her songs in the book “the most beautiful stories of Sister Benigna”.